180W Cardiac Floating (CF Category) Desktop adapters available in 5-54VDC outputs, Model GTM961800PWWWVV.V-T3

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The medical standard IEC60601-1 defines three types of applied parts, parts of the equipment that comes into contact with the the patient under normal operating conditions. Type CF, or Cardiac Floating, parts have the most stringent classification as they are parts that may come into direct contact with the heart. Type CF (cardiac floating) are floating with respect to earth.

The main difference between B and BF category power supplies and CF is the patient leakage current. The patient leakage current is the current flowing from the applied part via the patient to earth as a result of an unintended voltage from an external source on the patient. The limit, or maximum amount allowed is 10 uA for CF.

Since its founding in 1984, GlobTek has been a world leader in medical-rated power supplies and adapters with one of the most comprehensive product offerings for the medical industry. GlobTek offers a wide variety of standard off the shelf and stock modified power supply solutions with global medical certifications.

GlobTek's GTM961800PWWWVV.V-T3 180W desktop series is available with output ratings from 5v to 54VDC. These power supplies are available with a multitude of options such as variable output cable types and lengths, standard and custom connectors, customized colors, labelling, and packaging. The products are only offered in F2 Isolated Functional Earth Ground configuration.

Please visit the model family datasheet for more information: https://en.globtek.com/model/id/a0O0c00000Old6S

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